Legal Services

Navigate safely through evolving legislation: Our experts address legal challenges related to data and AI.

Emerging technologies and services pose new questions and risks, including:

  • Is it possible that our AI-based solution conflicts with the requirements of the AI Act due to the data used for its development and training?
  • What legal issues and risks are associated with internet-connected IoT devices and the data they collect?
  • Does the company have the right to use the data we possess for new services, the development of existing services, or other purposes?


Our Solutions

European Union legislation is continuously evolving. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Data Governance Act (DGA), Data Act (DA), AI Act, and national regulations create a complex legal framework that is constantly changing. Understanding this landscape and interpreting it appropriately requires expertise and experience.

The legal team at 1001 Lakes Oy specializes in legal questions related to data and AI. We are involved in the development of European legislation and guidance, serving clients in addressing these issues and managing risks across various sectors.

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